What makes the
Summer Camp so special?

Our summer camps are described by past campers as “the best summer camp in Scotland”, and even Europe, this year is your chance to experience this fun life-changing journey.
Discover the Magic that Occurs Outside Your Comfort Zone
Summer Camp is a ten-day programme of theatre, nature exploration, and art & wellbeing workshops that climaxes in a public final performance.
Over this time, you’ll forge potentially lifelong connections with new friends and artistic collaborators from around the world.
Our three core Summer Camp values that inform this extraordinary voyage are Self-Discovery, Connection with Nature, and Creativity.

Your body doesn’t end at your skin
Donna Haraway
Learn who you truly are, discover inner resources that you didn’t even know you had and face some of the fears that limit your path and your ability to dream. All of this in a safe environment with like-minded people.

Connection with Nature
The world is full of people, only some of which are humans.
Graham Harvey
Develop an ecocentric perspective of the world through a new relationship with nature and engage in a form of dialogue where you are the only human.

An artist attunes to what things are, which means sort of listening to the future…
Timothy Morton
Unlock your creativity and use it to bring into presence all the changes that you want to see in your life and in the world and learn to shape your future.

Who are you really?
Do you know?
Does anyone around you know?
Growing up swarmed with information in this new age of global mass media and internet, it’s becoming easier for us to know the ways of the world and more difficult to know our true selves.
Guided by professional theatre practitioners who collectively hold decades worth of experience. This is an opportunity for ten days away from screens.
It takes place in a gentler setting optimum for rediscovering one’s own inner-world away from the noise of modern existence.

with Nature
Amidst the varied, wild landscape of Northern Scotland on a relatively unpopulated peninsula, Findhorn is a perfect place to escape concrete and connect with all that grows.
Our Summer Camps encourage this with meditative activities outside, namely our Nature Quests and Medicine Walks.
These involve observing plant & animal life, hiking along the glorious River Findhorn, and reflecting upon these new experiences through journaling and the devising of ecotheatre.

We encourage participants regardless of experience level.
This is whether you’ve taken Broadway by storm or were too shy for the school play. Everyone taking part can learn from each other creatively and co-create beautiful ecotheatre in harmony.
Summer Camp is an emotionally safe setting comprising other people who wish to find new ways of expressing
themselves around others. If you’ve struggled to perform in front of others, or to unleash your inner artist, Summer Camps encourage each person’s unique jewel of creativity to shine.
We may find among ourselves eager directors, inspired writers, and enthused actors. Over the ten days, you will be able to cater your own experience according to your areas of interest. Some of you might wish to be centre-stage stars, while others might prefer to be backstage maestros.
We have had Summer Campers who go on to success in non-theatre disciplines such as science and business. An aspiration to be a full-time artist is not necessary to be enriched by Summer Camp.
The creative tools and confidence that you unlock here can be applied to any meaningful pursuit.

Experience a Camp Like No Other

In all of our research, we haven’t found any other summer camp in the world that combines ecotheatre with a stunning, natural countryside location.
There are plenty of nature camps and theatre camps in every country, but no nature theatre camps.
This is the uniqueness of the experience that we offer.
In this time of pressing environmental challenges, we will rely on the upcoming youth of the world to be the custodians to save our civilisation.
Most of them are growing up in fast-paced urban environments, sometimes with little time or space for art or nature.
However, one summer of ecotheatre in Findhorn can leave an inspiring impression that will last a lifetime.
Explore the Wild and Enchanted Scottish Highlands
Our Summer Camps are within walking distance of a vast scenic beachy coastline that National Geographic voted as a “top rated” travelling destination.
You’ll see plenty of windsurfers there on our more breezy days, and hordes of swimmers in the Scottish summer sunshine during which time the sun doesn’t set until midnight.
Also in Findhorn are enchanted woodlands that are home to red squirrels and deer (and some say faeries too), a massive bay with a range of avian-life that birdwatchers from all over trek to see, and miles of otherworldly dunes that are a global hotspot for super-rare lichen species.

A Typical Day at Camp
Each day at Summer Camp features a unique range of activities, and every year there is variation. We always have new artists, musicians, dancers, and personal development teachers offering workshops that we incorporate into our final shows.
Here is a sample time-table of what a typical Summer Camp day might look like, although each days’ activities vary:
Time | Activity |
8.30am | Sit-spot meditation in nature, tuning in deeper to the environment that surrounds us |
9.15am | Somatic movement in the dunes and creative writing |
12.30pm | Organic vegetarian lunch prepared by local chef Desie |
2.00pm | Theatrical improvisation on themes chosen by the group: creation of mini-stories with words |
6.30pm | Organic vegetarian dinner prepared by Desie |
8.00pm | Storytelling, poetry and music around the campfire |
Meet Your Mentors
and instructors

Laura Pasetti is the Camp coach. She is a theatre director, playwright and facilitator of learning, with 35 years of experience working with theatre professionals and non-professionals alike.
Laura considers herself “an artist on a quest”. She never stopped searching and training to enrich her knowledge and understanding of humanity.
Since 2016 she has been combining theatre and ecology. In 2018 she completed a one-year training in nature-based practices at Ecodharma (Catalunya).
In 2023 she founded Theatre of the 7 Directions and obtained a Master’s Degree in Engaged Ecology (Schumacher College). She lives in Scotland, in the Ecovillage Findhorn.

Alessandro Guetta is an English-Italian bilingual actor. He trained as an actor at Grock Scuola di Teatro in Milan and then enriched his knowledge by attending intensive workshops run by international institutions and companies such as the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart, the Batsheva Dance Company and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) in London.
As well as performing on stage as an actor, he loves working as an acting coach especially with adolescents; he considers it an essential part of his way of making theatre. He came across Eco-Theatre in 2023 thanks to an encounter with Laura Pasetti, subsequently embracing her unique methodology and philosophy. He has since been collaborating with the Theatre of the 7 Directions.