Summer Camp

Laura just brings a very clear, very straightforward, open-minded perspective to theatre… Noticing and connecting with nature, which most theatre that I have been in and experienced does not do. […]

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I live in a really big city, so obviously we don’t know each other, but here we’re in a small village and so everyone knows each other. It’s a really

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This was my fifth year doing the summer camp, and I just love it. I keep coming back. There’s something about this place [Findhorn], about what we do, about what

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This is not just a theatre camp. This place taught me a lot about life: about controlling my emotions, about getting to know myself, and also about getting to know

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The Ecotheatre Summer Camp is much like the Divine Comedy: a journey into realms that you never thought you could access, along with companions — humans and non-humans — that

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It’s a threshold to a new dimension in which you are not afraid to be yourself because Nature and Art have shown you your uniqueness. You just need to be

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Summer Camp is an immersive experience that takes you on a journey of your own creation. I got to dive deep into my imagination, bringing out the true me to

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